You might be new to Yoga and see some “items” in the Yoga studio that no-one has really explained to you.
Items such as foam or cork blocks stacked on a back wall or in a cubby.
Blankets stacked top of each other, long straps with buckles on them and folding chairs, some don’t even have backs to them!
You can’t at this point in your experience think for what these props could be used – to be honest you are doing good just trying to keep up with your yoga mat and towel.
The blocks can really help bring the floor closer. They help us with our balance and stability. You can sit on them, like in Baddha Konasna/ Seated bound angle pose, if your hamstrings are tight.
You can place two blocks in front of you in Uttanasana /Standing Intense forward fold.
You can use them to help you with your alignment and balance in poses such as Utthita Trikonasan/Extended Triangle, Utthita Parsvokonasana/Extended Side Angle, Ardha Chandrasana/Half Moon Pose, even revolved poses such as Parivritta Trikonasana/Revolved triangle.
You can place a block in between you knees in 1/2 Bridge/Dwi Pada Pitham , or place it deliciously underneath your sacrum for a wonderfully restorative pose like supported bridge.
We can even start to explore back bending a little more by placing a block in between your shoulder blades in Matsyasana /Fish pose.
Straps can be used in forward folds and supine pose , shoulder opening and for learning some more complex grips. Straps can also be use to help stabilize the legs in restorative poses.
Poses such as Paschimottanasa/Seated Forward fold, Janu Sirasana/Head to knee seated fold, Gomuhkasana/Cowface pose, Prasarita C/Seperate leg stretch C, Dhanurasana/Floor Bow, Natarajasana/Dancers pose.
Blankets can help us cushion bony areas of the body that are very uncomfortable in our practice like knees, coccyx, C7.
They can also be stacked on top of each other to make height so that if our hamstrings are tight we can sit on them to descend the femur bones in a seated forward fold as Paschimottanasana/Seated Forward Fold.
They can also be stacked onto of each other (as many as 3 or 4) to totally support the spine in poses such as Supta Buddha Konasana/Reclined Bound Angle Pose.
Chairs are a blessing for those that have a hard time getting up and down from the floor, but they can also be use to help us get into more complex poses such a backbends, and inversions!
These are just a few ways that props can help you in your practice.
Find a teacher that understands the many uses of props. They can be a welcome addition to your practice .